Sunday, January 13, 2019

Changing the Game

Still on the quest to uncover the perfect glow, I was using my fave soap and seeing some improvements, though I hadn't arrived. Oily skin has always been a challenge for me. I've always used scrubs and acne washes, though they seemed to make the problem worse. Now I know that over stimulating the skin and going from oily to dry extremes can make problem skin worse, but you know, I'm wise now that I hit forty (ha!)

We've all heard about coconut oil. Some folks even gargle that stuff and push it through their teeth! While coconut oil has never made even a cameo appearance in my coffee, I do find that it is a lovely makeup remover and it works quite well as a light moisturizer for my face. Mind you, I used a miniscule amount. 

Goat Milk Stuff tea tree soap + coconut oil moisturizer and I was almost there, but not quite. 

I tried witch hazel. Too tight.

I tried a popular mail order face wash company, too tight.

I tried Sea Breeze, because, why not? If my skin wanted to behave like a teenager, I could try treating it like a teenager. No luck. Too stinky and tight.

Then, I had an overnight trip with a group of scouts.  A brilliant scout mama introduced me to essential oils. (Seriously, I had been living in the dark times). WHOA this changed my game. I knew nothing about essential oils, but they smelled great and I'm all about good smells. 

In my trial of essential oils, I came across melaleuca, my old friend tea tree oil, and thought hmm...I wonder if this would work for my face without the smell? I ordered some up and the scent was amazing. This wasn't anything like the pungent smell of the tea tree oils I'd found locally. It also did not burn my skin. I started mixing it in with my fave soap and coconut oil every morning. 


This was the missing piece I'd been searching for. 

I can tell you that for the last three years, I have been pimple free. My face is not dry, nor is it red or pimply. I even got Mr. Man to give it a shot and it works for him. YAY forty year old skin! 

This was the beginning of my essential oils adventure. I did do a great deal of research before deciding to try more oils or choosing a company to buy them from. There are so many options. You will be happy when you hang on to what makes you feel good.

A few years and many recipe inventions later, we have tremendous healing and joy in our lives (yes! just from essential oils). I don't buy in to anything I can't personally back up.  I actually don't like to do sales, so I shared my oils and concoctions with people to help them live a healthier life naturally too. This sharing gets a bit spendy, but I wholeheartedly believe that if you try it, you'll love it, and the rest is history! Essential oils have changed our lives, so why not share? 

I chose doTERRA because they support farmers, families, and education. Using essential oils with a high degree of purity and being able to check the quality myself are important to me. Using products that actually work is important to all of us. And the smell, oh how I love the smell! This is an important one, because who wants to diffuse oils that smell awful? Did you know your sense of smell is actually connected to memory? We definitely want those to be good ones! 

Curious how to make the fabulousness happen in your house? Check it out for yourself. 

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