
Friday, February 8, 2019

Warm Thoughts

I love snow, fuzzy sweaters, warm drinks, spicy scents, and all things winter. Yet sometimes, when you're living in the tundra (how we affectionately refer to home in the upper midwest), you need some inner warmth.

If you're a parent of little ones, the book Frederick is an incredible way to describe how one needs some inner warmth to keep the soul fires going when the cold seems endless.  Frederick also teaches how each person's unique talents are valuable. It'll give you and the kidlets the warm fuzzies.

Back to us.

One of my favorite ways to bring warmth to our home is to diffuse some great warming blends. (Stay tuned for cold abyss weapon #2 - our chai tea latte recipe)!

If you're looking for some diffuser blends to support warm thoughts this week, while we thaw a little from the snow and ice blessings, try out these essential oil blends:

Cozy Up
3 drops Wild Orange
3 drops Cinnamon or Cassia
2 drops Clove (my favorite!)

If you want to toss a little up north in to your blend...

4 drops Wild Orange
3 drops Siberian Fir (Douglas Fir works great too!)
2 drops Cinnamon

To warm up and bust the germ crud...

Winter Warrior
3 drops OnGuard
2 drops Wild Orange
2 drops Frankincense

Our tried and true essential oils come from here. If you're not in to cold mist diffusing, but are seeking the benefits of essential oils, take a peek over here.

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