
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Are you ready for it? Chai Tea Latte Mix!

I love a good chai tea latte. I don't love the $6 price tag at the local coffee shop, the heavy syrup flavor in the ready-made mixes, or leaving the house when it's cold outside to go get one.

I invite you to add some heat to this recipe with a dash of cayenne pepper or a vietnamese cinnamon - delish! Throw on your favorite slippers, a winter diffuser blend, grab a book and sip your latte.

What you'll need: 
-food processor (very important or your chai tea will be chunky and funky, instead of smooth - I like small appliances that are multi-purpose, like this one)
-large airtight container 
-1 c powdered plain non-dairy coffee creamer
-1 c french vanilla flavored non-dairy coffee creamer
-1 c nonfat dry powdered milk 
-2 1/2 c white sugar 
-1 1/2 c unsweetened instant tea
-2 t ground ginger
-2 t ground cinnamon (my flavor fave is vietnamese cinnamon - it makes a difference!) 
-2 t ground cardamom (yummay)
-1 t ground cloves (yes! love my cloves!) 

Stir dry ingredients together in a large bowl until all ingredients are combined. Process half of the mixture in a food processor until the granules are fine and the mixture has a smooth texture. (Generally, this batch is a little too large to put through the food processor all at once, unless you have the mother of all food processors). Store your chai tea latte mix in an airtight container in a cool, dry place (you don't want all of that deliciousness sticking together!)

To enjoy: 
I have found this tastes best when you put 2 tablespoons of the mix into an 8 ounce cup first, then add piping hot water and stir well. Top with whipped cream. Add a dash of cinnamon and you're set! 

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