
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

People often ask about the best essential oils to get started with.

Essential oils support us in so many ways and we each have scent preferences. Two easy essential oils to get started with are peppermint and lavender. These oils are pretty flexible in their use. Still, they are concentrated, so diluting them with a carrier oil is needed for use topically. If you're using essential oils for kids, diffusing is a less intrusive way to introduce essential oils. It's best to consult with your physician before using essential oils with very young children. Our fave oils have a kids line, with guidelines for use to help you out!

Let's start with peppermint. We use it every day. It's wonderful on our diffuser bracelets, in lotion or in a body butter. I just love the smell.

The better half of us is not a spider fan. He uses peppermint throughout the inside of the house in the city and in all of the buildings at the farm to ward off spiders - works pretty well! A spray bottle with water and peppermint or rubbing alcohol/vodka and peppermint will do the trick.

Peppermint supports you in a number of ways: it's a pick me up, reduces nausea and headaches, supports focus and activates the thinker, provides some pain relief for muscles and sunburns (add it to organic aloe in a spray bottle and toss it in the fridge - ahhh!) Peppermint also smells great and can help to clear up stuffy noses. It turns death breath in to sparkles. Make a peppermint breath spray in a 10 ml glass spray bottle with 4-6 drops of peppermint essential oil (depending on the flavor intensity you're looking for) and filtered water.

Lavender is quite popular in the bedroom. For relaxation. You dirty minds!

Lavender doesn't usually get as much recognition for the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties as it does for aromatherapy, though it's often used to calm the skin. Lavender also supports relaxation, can calm and easy anxiety or restlessness, and it might just reduce your crankies. Many people love lavender in a diffuser at bed time to calm wiggly humans. We like lavender in a roller bottle with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil to calm nerves.

Wherever you start, do a little pre-research (pre-search?) and enjoy! There is no right or wrong, just what you're comfortable with in your home.

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