
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Slowing Down

This is the beginning of something different. It took some false starts (blogging ain't easy, y'all) and a lot of longing for the life we want to build, to get to this place. It's a little scary trying something new, but I think you'll enjoy our adventure.

I've never been one to shy away from change. This wanderlust spirit of mine almost demands change, on the regular. Then came the 40s. It's amazing how a few short years can have you feeling like you don't know what the hell you're doing with yourself and also very wise, wrapped up together with a nice little bow. Things hurt, bodies change, spirits are free, and I think I'm starting to understand why people adjust their way of living when they get to this mid-life thing. I look back and think, whoa, that was one hell of a ride. And, I look forward thinking, yikes, is that really where I'm headed.

That's how we got here.

Forty brought on some strange things. One of which was this desire to be a creator. Another was togetherness. I like to be alone, that's where I get my energy, but I also need to bring my people together and hold them close. The other, trying to figure out how my connection to the earth became so tattered. My energy, my immune system, my joy factor - all seem a little out of whack.

We've been climbing that proverbial mountain for some time now and at the top, there's a nice view, but the constant isn't making my heart happy. I think a lot of you find yourself just where I am, but stay that way.

So...what if I stopped climbing and just enjoyed this place? What if I rerouted the entire journey and took a new adventure?

What if, we change everything and do only what brings joy to our lives?

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